Friday, January 14, 2011


Soooo, I was reading yesterday while my newborn was on the boob. I love to read the moms boards, good stuff. Well, the topic of the day seemed to be minivans...I know I know. This sounds ridiculously boring, and so I completely ignored the thread. HOWEVER, someone tipped me off that it actually got quite colorful, and so I decided to sneak a peek.
FOURTEEN PAGES later, I think I almost peed myself laughing so hard. The initial question was whether or not minivans have "cooties." Yes, people, that's what it said: "cooties." Well, one of the first few women to comment basically explained how I feel about them: there is a stigma about driving around in a minivan that screams "Hey I'm a mom! Is it my turn to bring snacks for the soccer game? Want to carpool?" And lastly..."I have graduated from Uncool University and should now also be wearing 'mom jeans' and those loafers with the tassles." (These are MY words, by the way, not hers exactly)
This woman wasn't judging anyone for driving a minivan anymore than the original poster was who in not so many words accused those of us who drive SUVs of being materialistic or careless about the environment. At any rate, this debate went on for seriously FOURTEEN PAGES of cool vs. uncool, you're judging me, no you're judging Me, and 'I was the uncool person in high school.'
I'm really not sure if anyone ever got to the bottom of the issue at hand, which is whether or not minivans do, in fact, have cooties. So, with that said, I will divulge MY opinion on them.

I am one of the people who has stated that she will NEVER own a minivan. And truthfully, I don't give a shit if people consider me vain, immature, materialistic, careless about the environment, stupid, irresponsible, or the like. For me, if I'm going to spend a boatload of money on a vehicle, it damn well better be something that I WANT to drive around for the next 6 years or so. And that's what it all comes down to, right? Personal preference. It's the same logic that applies to auto makers reasoning for making so many different models of vehicles, each having their own benefits and unique looks.
If I had 3 or more kids, I STILL wouldn't buy a minivan. I'd probably be looking at a suburban or a stretch Hummer limo or something (Lord, strike me down because I said 'hummer' instead of Jeep---sorry, honey!). It's just not my style. Are they convenient? Sure. Comfy? Yep. Stylish? Well, that's debatable, but they're not terrible...And yet, none of those things matter because they don't APPEAL to me.
Now, does that mean I can't be friends with someone who drives a minivan? WTF do I care? If that's what my friends want to spend their money on, great! I think saying that someone is being judgmental when they describe THEIR feelings toward a particular vehicle vs. another though, is just plain stupid. Just because I'd feel like I've graduated from Uncool U if I owned a minivan does NOT mean I feel that any of my friends who drive minivans are graduates of UU. It probably means they're more practical than I am...
And if my never wanting to buy a minivan makes me a careless, materialistic, immature, impractical moron, I guess that's what I am. 'Cuz ya know what I want to buy whenever we've got the cash?


  1. A Chevy Avalanche? Out of all the other better trucks you pick the one with a the gold bowtie? C'mon Bri...

  2. Haha! I completely agree. I am pretty sure the reason why they make SUV's with third row seating is for people like us. And I am pretty sure there are only like 2 companies that still make them. Honestly, my fear of being associated with driving a mini van goes so far that I would be really upset if I rented a car for a day and it was a mini van! And as for your husband... I have a Jeep Cherokee and LOVE it! The new ones are amazing and ridiculously expensive. But when we strike it big, I am buying one! Also, the Commander has third row seating :) Just because we have kids and can't go out and party like we are 21 anymore doesn't mean we are lame!

  3. And what's wrong with the Avalanche, Derek?

  4. Cuz it's not a truck, it is an SUV with the back lopped off and some ugly plastic support bar in place.

    This IS a truck...

    Or this...

    The Avalanche is ugly.

  5. OMG Sabrina...just catching up on your blog...I have to admit I was that mom saying I would NEVER own a minivan....but now a toddler, three-month old twins (read: two HEAVY carseats), and a sore back later, here I am. Fully driving a minivan. I LOVED my Tahoe and nearly cried when we traded it in....but for my own sanity had to go the minivan route. I am so that mom now. :)

    Thanks to your hubby though for giving us some good insight on it!


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