Friday, October 29, 2010

*Almost* Tragic...

So, I pretty much hate doctors, no offense to any of my doctor friends. It's totally not your fault. I just have terrible luck when it comes to them. I can never be 100% normal, no questions asked. There has to be some question as to whether or not I'm normal. I'm always bordering normal and tragedy it seems.

Let's take this pregnancy, for instance. In the beginning, my blood test results came back, and they showed that my progesterone was low. Now, it wasn't tragically low, but it was low enough for my loving OB to put me on some wacky ass medication for it that completely jacked my system and made me feel drunk all the time. It was low enough to make my hubby and I worry that maybe this wasn't "it" and that we could lose the baby. So, after realizing that this medication was not going to be workable in our lives, we had resigned ourselves to the thought that this, indeed, may not be the time, and I called my doctor to let her know what was going on with the medication and that I just couldn't take it any longer. She had me come in to be retested, and BOOM. Magically, at that point, my levels were totally normal. Great!

Fast forward a couple days, and I'm having an asthma attack while on VACATION in Chicago...My rescue inhaler was doing nothing for me, and I had to ride that one out until I got back home. Then, I had to start taking a ridiculously expensive medication for asthma (which, thankfully, worked!) after having zero symptoms since high school. At the same time, I'm puking my pregnant guts out more times than I can count in a day...So I started Zofran for that...until I was NINETEEN weeks pregnant. Now, please allow me to point out that I don't view my asthmatic episodes or my morning sickness (I use the term lightly) as tragic at all. That's just icing on my almost tragic cake.

Now let's talk about yesterday. Yesterday I went for what was supposed to be a normal bi-weekly OB appointment, which turned out to be insane. I woke up late and had to rush out the door with enough time to brush my teeth, pee, throw on an outfit that didn't match, put on a hat, and grab an apple streudel. Forget the coffee, this was serious. So I roll into the parking lot and have to park a friggin mile away and magically make it to the office at exactly 8:45. Now for the "oopsies." Well, I weighed in (don't even ask) and realized I didn't have to pee since I already had 20 minutes ago at home! So fine, sometimes this happens. I just told the nurse I'd go at some point before leaving, which generally is no big deal. WELL, not today, folks! My bp was 144/70, so my OB wanted a sample to check for protein before seeing me. UGH. Fine. So I squeezed out what I could, set the cup on the edge of the sink, and knocked it in. Are you effing kidding me right now?! I could've cried. I called my hubby to calm me down, and he assured me that everything would be okay...well, sure it would, AFTER I drank a liter and a half of water and was able to produce said sample, which I did (who knows how many minutes later). And everything was perfectly fine. Apparently, rushing around in the morning and walking a mile isn't something an 8 months pregnant chick should do. Now, onto the measuring! I measured 35, and I am supposedly (according to my doctor) 31 weeks pregnant. According to me, I'm 32+, but apparently I don't count. Either way, that's still a big measurement, so she ordered an ultrasound to see what's going on in there. I went back yesterday afternoon for this ultrasound and got a call early in the evening from my doctor. Apparently I have an almost too high level of amniotic fluid, combined with a baby with a huge head. Going back to the amniotic fluid, my level is 24, and over 25 is too high. Who knew?! I had no idea that there was such a thing as too much amniotic fluid. I also had no idea that this could cause problems for me or baby! So now I get to play the waiting game for another couple of weeks before checking on the fluid level again...See? Almost tragic. It's not the end of the world, but it could be a big problem. If my fluid level goes above 25, she'll need to refer me to maternal fetal medicine, which would totally suck. I want my OB, not some stranger I don't know.

So I have my next ultrasound scheduled for November 11th...Let's hope all is well and that this was just another bump on my almost tragic road.

Til Next time...


  1. Oh my goodness. Want the name of my non-alarmist midwife?!? Hang in there!

  2. Man, sounds like a day in my life! That sucks royally! We're praying for you!


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