So one of my good friends is learning Photoshop. It's a great thing, you know? She took a photo of her kids on their sofa and made it look brand new. This is FANTASTIC! She said she could do the same for me, which I think is great since there are milk stains all over it...among other things.
At any rate, this really got me thinking. I thought, you know, that would be GREAT if you could photoshop my sofa in real life. I mean, it's great that you can do that in a picture and everything, but this stain remover crap just isn't cutting it, and neither is my steamvac. What we really need is Photoshop for Life.
For example, there are all kinds of things that we wish we could go back and "edit," if you will. Let's take my first marriage! I would absolutely LOVE to just photoshop my ex husband right out of my life and insert my amazing husband in his place. This way I wouldn't feel like our AWESOME Vegas wedding at Mandalay Bay wasn't such a waste.
OOoh, and for the birth of my daughter, if I could just go back and photoshop that one crazy family member right out, that would be fantastic also. I would replace her with my sister, who I know wanted to be there desperately. This way I don't have to explain anything when we're remembering those very special moments. AND there wouldn't BE any photos that needed "shopping."
Also my high school graduation...I know that my dad and I weren't on good terms and that I told him not to come, BUT I know he really wanted to be there, so I'd photoshop him back in there. And while we're there, I might as well photoshop my sleaze of an ex boyfriend who flew up from Arizona to be there right OUT. So that's a good swap, right? Dad for the ex boyfriend?
And on smaller, less important things, I'd probably photoshop all of my baking attempts OUT of my life and replace them with excellent meals that I've cooked instead. Either that or those no-bake desserts that come in a box. Maybe brownies because I can usually get those right.
At any rate, I'm wondering if anyone else out there feels that Photoshop for Life would be a great product...If so, please contact me so we can get started on a patent.
Til next time...