So, as you may or may not know, my husband is the sole breadwinner in our home. This is sometimes really AWESOME and other times, it drives me insane. Why? Well, I've spent most of my adult life working to support myself and or my partner. When that gets taken away, it creates a monster. That monster is the Domestic Goddess--you know, the mom/wife who cooks, cleans, budgets, shops, and generally keeps the family organized. On most days, this is a great balance. On other days, I like to call those days "end of pay period" days, it can become problematic. It's problematic when my husband, who basically works on commission, doesn't have a great week at work. This means that we're on a tighter than usual budget, and there's literally NOTHING I can do about it. It used to be that if we were short, I'd go in and work an extra shift at the bar or snag a babysitting job to make up the difference. Now, I just get to sit and stew about it and try to figure out how to get even more creative with the finances...
Well, I suppose you can imagine by now that today was an "end of pay period" day...a crappy one. Well, thankfully, it didn't end too crappy. Although I'm pretty sure that had to do with some creativity on my part and some gentle "coaching" of my loving husband. Okay, so maybe the coaching wasn't so gentle...but hey, a Goddess has to do what a Goddess has to do, and sometimes the measures are extreme. I hate to say it, but it works.
Funny thing is, when I get mad, I clean. I don't know about anyone else, but when I am mad, I am more productive than EVER! Maybe this was a strategy on my husband's part now that I think of it...Hmmmm, well if it was, it worked. I cleaned like a mad woman! I'm talking washing cabinets, walls, dusting, vacuuming (including furniture), picking up a plethora of toys, even windows! Then, later in the afternoon, when I was already completely over the whole argument and chatting up the neighbors about it, I thought aloud..."Now, I wonder who really benefited from this whole deal?" Seriously! I get mad, and my husband gets a clean house?!
So today I must say that I feel accomplished. My husband was able to get his act together and pull off a good paycheck, AND my house is clean. I'd say that this "end of pay period" day was a pretty damn good one!
lmao! can i hire you?