So I've taken a bit of a commercial break, if you will, from the blogging lately. Our summer has started off on a very busy note. Hubby switched jobs out of nowhere on the fly (thank GAWD), Big Monster is doing her summer activities, Little Monster doing swim lessons, and the dog is pretty much getting neglected (not ACTUALLY neglected, so nobody needs to call PETA). So that's where I've been.
I wanted to talk a bit about the Little Monster though. See, for 18 months she didn't sleep through the night. EIGHTEEN MONTHS. I know that moms don't get a whole lot of sleep, but damn! Come on, already, right?! I am a fuckin' soldier at this point. I prayed and prayed and prayed to some man in the sky to just let this girl sleep through the night. I tried every trick in the book. I did. She was determined to outsmart me and my mommy tricks. So fine. I just went happily (and sometimes not so happily) along the ride of 1-3 sleep interruptions a night.
So one day about a week and a half ago, I decided I'd try a different approach. This was a completely last ditch effort, a bit of an experiment. I said, "I would literally sell my soul to get my child to sleep thru the night at this point." Whatever dark magic that Hades possesses, I just want to say "THANK YOU." She has been sleeping thru the night ever since. And honestly, I was probably going to Hell at least I got something out of it, right?! It will be worth every minute of eternity I spend roasting in the fiery depths of the Underworld, though. I mean, at least I can get 7 hours of consecutive sleep now before my 3 year-old comes into my bedroom in the morning with the news of, "Mommy, I put the sun up! It's time to get up! I need some milk and some cereal please!" This morning message is sometimes accompanied with a slap on the cheek (a loving one, of course) and the pulling off of my comforter. Now, if only I could get her to bring me a cup of coffee first...