So I am a big believer in the whole thing about how people come into our lives for specific purposes. I'm also a big believer in the idea that some people come into our lives for an allotted time period, and then for whatever reason, they exit. I am a believer in friendship, and loyalty, and basically all that is well and good in the world. And finally, I'm a big believer in bridges. And burning them when enough is enough, and that bridge just isn't getting me from point A to point B.
I've decided to burn a bridge after much thought and consideration. This bridge is one that I really hoped I'd never burn, and it's certainly one I never expected to need to burn. This family brought so much into my life that it's difficult to imagine where I'd be without having met them. That brings me back to the whole thing about people coming into our lives for a purpose, though. I asked myself over and over again whether I should walk away or keep repairing the cracks...and it turns out there are too many damn cracks in the relationship, not to mention that it seems pretty one-sided. It worked out great for them, of course, because I tend to be a giver. So I was constantly offering to help out, attending events, giving gifts, offering to babysit (free of charge, of course), inviting them to parties, etc. And I am totally cool with all of that, except that nothing was reciprocated. In fact, they offered to babysit for Mark and me one weekend and then cancelled on us a couple hours before we were supposed to go out!
The last straw was the garage sale. They usually add things to our sale each year, and I happily sell them and give them whatever money their things sell for...They've never once offered to help with the sale. Last year they brought over an entire TRUCK load of crap and 2 tables, which I had asked to use for my own things. This year, they decided to put several large items in the sale: a washer & dryer, a dishwasher, power wheel and a cook top. Well, I sold the washer and the power wheel...Today, nearly a month after the sale, I get a voicemail saying that they are about 10 minutes from my house and will be stopping by to pick up the money. REALLY?! You have got to be kidding me, right? It's FATHER'S DAY. It's lunch time, and BOTH of my girls are napping. It's a MONTH later, and how about asking if there is anything that didn't sell that I'd like you to HAUL AWAY?! This, to me, is unbelievably inconsiderate. What is wrong with them?! I was so pissed that I had Mark put the UPS sign on our door (for when the girls are sleeping so he doesn't knock or ring the bell) with an envelope with their money in it taped to the door. After they picked it up, I received a text message that said, "thanks." Nothing more.
So, I'm burning the bridge. I'm done. And I have an opening for a true friend, one who's willing to be as much of a giver as I am.
Til next time...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Are Those [Mom] Jeans?!
So I was thinking...I had a discussion with one of my girlfriends today about fashion. Yes, I talk about fashion. I'm into a lot of things, and though I may not dress upper east side NYC, I might know a thing or two. Or maybe not, but who cares?! It's my blog, and I can write what I want.
So here's the deal. Once you become a mom, you have to start acting like one, or at least you should anyway. And really, that includes how one dresses. So, being that I am a somewhat young mom, I feel like there is some kind of disconnect between what people my age might wear...and what moms my age might wear. And for that matter...what moms not my age are wearing.
I feel like I should dress in a way that won't embarrass my children in any way. It doesn't even matter that one doesn't speak and the other can't enunciate. They both have feelings. And eyes, for that matter. I just remember my mom wearing the most embarrassing things when I was a kid and just wishing I could crawl in a hole and die every single time she wore the hot pink elastic belt (honestly, what is the point of this?!) with the gaudy flower printed poodle skirt. I can still picture this outfit, friends. It's that bad. I never want to do that to my girls. In fact, I'd rather they not remember anything I wore. That means I blended in with the other parents and looked normal...well, except for the inappropriately dressed parents. My girls can laugh at them and feel bad for their children.
I went to a high school fundraiser a few months back, and I couldn't believe what some of these people were wearing. Let me first say that I agonized over what to wear to this shindig because I am a mom, and I wanted to dress appropriately. I wanted to look mom-like, not old, and not like a disco ball in heels or anything. Disco ball in heels was my 25th birthday party, not high school athletics fundraiser. So, I spent a good 2 hours in Target trying to find just the right thing. I eventually settled on a top that was figure-flattering, no cleavage, not too tight, with a long tank underneath and black leggings. I went with flats for shoes because I thought heels would be over the top. This looked great! Promise. Anyway, I am positive that there had to be some kids that were thanking their lucky stars that they weren't going to this event with their parents...I swear, one lady was wearing a bedazzled turquoise lycra/spandex single-shoulder tank top, a white mini skirt and heels. Another lady was the disco ball, in a completely sequined tank dress and 6 inch wedge sandals (maybe she was channeling Lady Gaga?)...
They were everywhere: mid-life crises that is. I had to shrug off the men in the Hawaiian shirts because the theme of the night was a beach party (I was unaware of this until I arrived). The point is that I would have placed some of these people at a club downtown (not even downtown INDY, more like LA or something), rather than a high school fundraiser. It was just weird.
And my husband asked me the other day if the jeans that come in even sizes, rather than odd sizes are the "mom jeans." The subject came up as we were discussing my girls' night over the weekend. I told him that the jeans were sized in odd sizes (juniors), which don't fit those of us ladies who have had kids. So, I said that I didn't want to get them because they didn't fit me quite right. And he said, "Oh, so you have to buy those 'mom jeans' now?" He sounded completely let down and disappointed, like I just told a little kid we weren't getting a puppy for Christmas because Santa is broke or something. I just about died. It was hilarious. So I asked him what he meant...and he explained that mom jeans are the ones that come up past your belly button and make your butt look flat.
I about peed myself. I told him that I already have some jeans that I would consider mom jeans but aren't exactly his version of them. They just fit me better because they're misses (even sizes) instead of juniors. Yes, they come up a little higher. Why? Because us moms are constantly bending over to pick shit up that our kids drop or to pick our kids up. If I wore low rise jeans now, my ass would be permanently hanging out of them. No, my mom jeans don't make my butt look flat. In fact, they make it look damn good! But see, we're getting back to the point of this matter, which is that moms really need to think before they dress themselves in the morning (or afternoon, whenever we end up getting dressed). We need to make sure we aren't embarrassing our children or ourselves.
Til next time...
So here's the deal. Once you become a mom, you have to start acting like one, or at least you should anyway. And really, that includes how one dresses. So, being that I am a somewhat young mom, I feel like there is some kind of disconnect between what people my age might wear...and what moms my age might wear. And for that matter...what moms not my age are wearing.
I feel like I should dress in a way that won't embarrass my children in any way. It doesn't even matter that one doesn't speak and the other can't enunciate. They both have feelings. And eyes, for that matter. I just remember my mom wearing the most embarrassing things when I was a kid and just wishing I could crawl in a hole and die every single time she wore the hot pink elastic belt (honestly, what is the point of this?!) with the gaudy flower printed poodle skirt. I can still picture this outfit, friends. It's that bad. I never want to do that to my girls. In fact, I'd rather they not remember anything I wore. That means I blended in with the other parents and looked normal...well, except for the inappropriately dressed parents. My girls can laugh at them and feel bad for their children.
I went to a high school fundraiser a few months back, and I couldn't believe what some of these people were wearing. Let me first say that I agonized over what to wear to this shindig because I am a mom, and I wanted to dress appropriately. I wanted to look mom-like, not old, and not like a disco ball in heels or anything. Disco ball in heels was my 25th birthday party, not high school athletics fundraiser. So, I spent a good 2 hours in Target trying to find just the right thing. I eventually settled on a top that was figure-flattering, no cleavage, not too tight, with a long tank underneath and black leggings. I went with flats for shoes because I thought heels would be over the top. This looked great! Promise. Anyway, I am positive that there had to be some kids that were thanking their lucky stars that they weren't going to this event with their parents...I swear, one lady was wearing a bedazzled turquoise lycra/spandex single-shoulder tank top, a white mini skirt and heels. Another lady was the disco ball, in a completely sequined tank dress and 6 inch wedge sandals (maybe she was channeling Lady Gaga?)...
They were everywhere: mid-life crises that is. I had to shrug off the men in the Hawaiian shirts because the theme of the night was a beach party (I was unaware of this until I arrived). The point is that I would have placed some of these people at a club downtown (not even downtown INDY, more like LA or something), rather than a high school fundraiser. It was just weird.
And my husband asked me the other day if the jeans that come in even sizes, rather than odd sizes are the "mom jeans." The subject came up as we were discussing my girls' night over the weekend. I told him that the jeans were sized in odd sizes (juniors), which don't fit those of us ladies who have had kids. So, I said that I didn't want to get them because they didn't fit me quite right. And he said, "Oh, so you have to buy those 'mom jeans' now?" He sounded completely let down and disappointed, like I just told a little kid we weren't getting a puppy for Christmas because Santa is broke or something. I just about died. It was hilarious. So I asked him what he meant...and he explained that mom jeans are the ones that come up past your belly button and make your butt look flat.
I about peed myself. I told him that I already have some jeans that I would consider mom jeans but aren't exactly his version of them. They just fit me better because they're misses (even sizes) instead of juniors. Yes, they come up a little higher. Why? Because us moms are constantly bending over to pick shit up that our kids drop or to pick our kids up. If I wore low rise jeans now, my ass would be permanently hanging out of them. No, my mom jeans don't make my butt look flat. In fact, they make it look damn good! But see, we're getting back to the point of this matter, which is that moms really need to think before they dress themselves in the morning (or afternoon, whenever we end up getting dressed). We need to make sure we aren't embarrassing our children or ourselves.
Til next time...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
}*{ Baby Magic }*{
A little while back, I posted about Mommy Magic...It's so funny that babies reciprocate that magic when we need it the very most, isn't it? I've been having a rough time over the past few days, but there are these moments each day that make everything okay. It's moments like these...
The uncontrollable laughter of my toddler...the love between sisters...those silly things that only babies can do...When my toddler holds me tight, for no reason at all and says, "love you, mommy"...the soft sigh of my baby as she falls to sleep...Those are the moments that bring me back. Those are the moments when I realize that no matter how bad I feel, there are 2 little ladies that will love me, no matter what my faults (or how many). There are 2 little ones who need me to smile and giggle with them. My babies have the same magic that they see in me! And though I may fall backward multiple times a day, they also bring me so much joy, that if I zero in on those moments, I just know I'm going to be, not fine...happy.
Til next time...
The uncontrollable laughter of my toddler...the love between sisters...those silly things that only babies can do...When my toddler holds me tight, for no reason at all and says, "love you, mommy"...the soft sigh of my baby as she falls to sleep...Those are the moments that bring me back. Those are the moments when I realize that no matter how bad I feel, there are 2 little ladies that will love me, no matter what my faults (or how many). There are 2 little ones who need me to smile and giggle with them. My babies have the same magic that they see in me! And though I may fall backward multiple times a day, they also bring me so much joy, that if I zero in on those moments, I just know I'm going to be, not fine...happy.
Til next time...
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